Sunday 11 November 2012

October 2012. Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland.

Paris, France
Paris, France
Venezia, Italy
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy
Leuven, Belgium
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Davos, Switzerland
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Lisse, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Davos, Switzerland
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy
Marseille, France
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Oldambt, Netherlands
Oldambt, Netherlands
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Scheemda, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Paris, France
Lyon, France
Venezia, Italy
Davos, Switzerland
Paris, France
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Lyon, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Venezia, Italy
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy
Paris, France
Marseille, France
Paris, France
Paris, France
Versailles, France
Köln, Germany
Lyon, France
Paris, France
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Oldambt, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Marseille, France
Leuven, Belgium
Leuven, Belgium
Paris, France
Leuven, Belgium
Leuven, Belgium
Roissy, France
Lyon, France
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Paris, France
Paris, France
Versailles, France
Versailles, France
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
Antwerpen, Belgium
Lyon, France
Marseille, France
Arnhem, Netherlands
Venezia, Italy
Oldambt, Netherlands
Winschoten, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Paris, France
Marseille, France
Lyon, France
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Blijham, Netherlands
Venezia, Italy
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Blijham, Netherlands
Oldambt, Netherlands
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Lyon, France
Versailles, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Versailles, France
Marseille, France
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Antwerpen, Belgium
Marseille, France
Lyon, France
Davos, Switzerland
Davos, Switzerland
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Antwerpen, Belgium
Antwerpen, Belgium
Davos, Switzerland
Lyon, France
Paris, France
Venezia, Italy
Leuven, Belgium
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Paris, France
Puteaux, France
Nieuwe Statenzijl, Netherlands
Oldambt, Netherlands
Paris, France
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Nieuwe Statenzijl, Netherlands
Nieuwe Statenzijl, Netherlands
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Antwerpen, Belgium
Marseille, France
Paris, France
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Venezia, Italy
Lyon, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Marseille, France
Venezia, Italy

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